Amangeldikyzy Zamzagul
Acting associate professor, PhD


  1. Amangeldikyzy Z., Dutbaev E.B.Selection study of winter wheat for resistance to stem rust of the race Ug 99 in Kazakhstan “Young scientist special issue Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution” All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection “Innovative biotechnology in the development of agroindustrial complex Materials of scientific educational conference of young scientists “Kazan May-1, -2015, No. 9 (89). T.2. – p. 92-93
  2. Amangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.M., Sagitov A.O., Sultanova N.Zh. Rust and septoria – especially dangerous wheat diseases in Kazakhstan, International scientific-practical conference “Protection of grain crops from diseases, pests, weeds: achievements and problems: with elements of a scientific school for young scientists, graduate students and students” Moscow, 05-09 December – 2016 – pp. 100-106
  3. Amangeldikyzy Z., Dutbaev E.B., Suleimanova G.A., Sultanova N.Zh., Zhunusova A.S., Morgunov A.I., Selection and genetic study of spring wheat for resistance to diseases with soil infection in Kazakhstan, Izvestiya NAS RK, a series of agrarian sciences – Almaty, January-February. – 2016. No. 1 (31). – bet 27-30.
  4. Аmangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.S., Sagitov A.O., Urаzaliev R.A., Sultanovа N.Zh., Bekezhanova M.M., Kozhabayeva G.E., The immune-phytopathological assessment of commercial varieties of grain, forage and fodder crops to disease in the context of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan auyl sharuashylyky kylymdaryny “Zharshy” magazines, 11-12 Karasha-yellowsan, Almaty – 2017 bet. 15-22
  5. Amangeldikyzy Z. Immuno-phytopathological assessment of wheat resistance to stem rust (Puccinia qraminis Pers), Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Innovative approaches and promising ideas of young scientists in agricultural science” dedicated to the memory of an outstanding scientist in the field of biotechnology and cell selection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Ligay German Leontievich / Almaty, – 2017, pp. 61-64
  6. Amangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.M., Sagitov A.O., Development of rust species on wheat crops in Eastern Kazakhstan, Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conferences “Biotechnology, genetics and plant breeding” dedicated to the memory of academician Shegenbaev O.Sh. , a leading scientist, organizer of science in the field of biotechnology and agricultural breeding. cultures Almalybak June 29-30, – 2017 – pp. 156-159
  7. Аmangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.S., Aziz Karakaya, Immune-phytopathological assessment of resistance of spring wheat varieties to stem rust in the northern, western and south-eastern regions of Qazaqstan, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, series of agricultural sciences – Almaty, September – October. – 2018 №5 (47). page. 27-34
  8. Amangeldiyevna Z., Kochorov AM, Phytopathological analysis of wheat varieties (Puccinia qraminis Pers), Scientific and practical journal of WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, “Science and Education” – 2018. №2 (51). page. 14-19.
  9. Аmangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.S., Aziz Karakaya, Morgunov A.I., Karbozova R.D., Gabdulov M.A., Immune-phytopathological assessment of resistance of wheats to stem rust in conditions of the Southeast of Kazakhstan, Immune-phytopathological assessment of resistance of wheats to stem rust in conditions of the Southeast of Kazakhstan. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. Copyright@ (EM International ISSN 0971–765X Scopus) India. – 2018. №24 (4). pp. (1604-1610).
  10. Amangeldiyevna Z., Kochorov AM, Aziz Karakai, Measures for immune assessment and control of resistance of wheat varieties to rust (Ruccinia qraminis Pers) in the south-east of Kazakhstan, scientific-practical journal of WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, “Science and education ”- 2018 №2 (51). page. 19-26.
  11. Amangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.M., Aziz Karakai, Biday cultivar sabatat (Рuccinia qraminis Pers) auruyna phytopathologyқ zhune selectionlyk taldau, Collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Formation and development of science for the protection and quarantine of plants in the Republic of Kazakhstan dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Institute and the 100th anniversary of scientific research on plant protection in Kazakhstan. 6 zheltoқsan – 2018 f. Almaty. bet. 143-148.
  12. Amangeldikyzy Z., Kochorov A.S., Abdullaev K.K., Sagitov A.O., Rust and septoria – especially dangerous wheat diseases in Kazakhstan, Collection of materials of the international scientific conference “Formation and development of science on plant protection and quarantine in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. December 6 – 2018 Almaty. pp. 405-408.
  13. Amangeldiyevna Z., Gabdulov MA, Galymbek K., Amangeldy N., Abdukerim R.Zh., Monitoring the prevalence and development of puccinia graminis f. Sp tritici in different ecological regions of Kazakhstan “Science Bulletin” of the University – 2020 №2 (105). page. 141-152
  14. Amangeldiyevna Z., Gabdulov MA, Biomass index of wheat genotypes at the stages of vegetative development, Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education 2020” – 2020. page. 35-40.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
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