MAIN PROVISIONS. «ҒЫЛЫМ ЖӘНЕ БІЛІМ» is the periodical scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university named after Zhangir Khan. The journal is published quarterly; articles are published in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The journal publishes scientific papers on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the field of agricultural, veterinary, biological, technical, economic, social and humanitarian sciences.

The journal is registered with the Ministry of Culture, Information and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan – No. 6132-Zh. dated June 15, 2005, International Center for World Periodicals – ISSN – 2305-9397.

A subscription to the collection can be issued according to the catalogs of newspapers and magazines of Kazpost JSC (index 76316).

Founder and owner – NJSC “West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir khan”

THE PURPOSE OF THE JOURNAL FUNCTIONING: providing the general scientific community with the opportunity to exchange information, including at the international level, on the results of scientific research, familiarize readers with the best world experience in the implementation of scientific developments.


The journal publishes scientific papers on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the field of:

– Agricultural sciences

   Section 1

   Сrop production

   Section 2

  Аnimal husbandry

  Section 3

  Fisheries and industrial fisheries; Water resources and water use; Agricultural engineering; Forest resources and forestry;

– Veterinary;

– Technical science;

FREQUENCY OF THE MAGAZINE: 4 times a year, quarterly

ARCHIVATION AND AVAILABILITY. The journal provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results contributes to an increase in the global exchange of knowledge. The permanent archive of the journal is in the public domain on the website of the journal http://nauka.wkau.kz/ and in the unified Republican information system RMEB www.rmeb.kz.

  The journal is also included in the RSCI (Russian citation index, RF) database https://www.elibrary.ru /.


Articles for publication should be submitted through the online article submission and review system https://ojs.wkau.kz/index.php/gbj, also to the email address [email protected].

The author needs to register for publication on the site https://ojs.wkau.kz/index.php/gbj.

Articles are accepted quarterly during the first month of the quarter (01.01 – 01.31.2022; 01.04 – 04.31.2022; 01.07 – 07.31.2022; 01.10 – 10.31.2022).

Articles are accepted with the originality of the text of at least 75% (checking is carried out using the Anti-plagiarism system).

Scientific, technical and production articles planned for publication in our journal undergo a blind review procedure and approval by the editorial board. With a positive conclusion, the material is placed in the “portfolio” of the editorial office in the queue for publication.

The review period is up to 25 working days from the date of receipt of the article by the editorial office.

The speed of publication depends on the relevance of the material and the completeness of the “portfolio” of the editorial board on this topic. With a positive conclusion, the material is placed in the “portfolio” of the editorial office in the queue for publication. Chairman of the KKSON MES RK dated 12.06.2013 № 949 one of the conditions for the inclusion of the journal in the list of publications recommended/  The committee for the publication of the main results of scientific activity is the availability of publications in foreign languages, the right of extraordinary publication will be used by articles in English.

Note: Articles translated using an automatic translator with numerous grammatical, spelling, stylistic errors and not meeting the specified requirements are not accepted for publication.

Articles in the scientific areas of the journal that have not been published anywhere before are accepted for publication.

The cost of publishing one article:

– for teaching staff of WKATU (individual) – 2000 (two thousand) tenge per 1 (one) page;

– for teaching staff of other organizations (individual) – 4000 (four thousand) tenge per 1 (one) page;

– for all organizations (legal entity) – 6000 (six thousand) per 1 (one) page;

– to foreign authors (all authors) – free of charge.

Payment. Authors who have received a positive conclusion for the publication of the article must pay for the following details:

090009, Uralsk, st. Zhangir Khan, 51

Scientific and practical journal of WKATU named after Zhangir Khan “Gylym zhane bilim” (“Science and education”)

Phone 8/7112/516541; 8(777)060-64-33

e-mail: [email protected]

The electronic site of the journal is wkau.kz (section “Science” – “Scientific publications of WKATU”).

Bank details when transferring funds for the publication of articles:

NJS “West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan”

RNN 270 100 216 151

BIN 021 140 000 425

IIC KZ 516010181000027495 Zap.Kaz.branch of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC


KBE 16

KNP 859

Ruble account: KZ606010181000030922


When preparing articles for the journal, we recommend following the following rules:

The article must be formatted in strict accordance with GOST 7.5.-98 “Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials”, adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol No. 1:3–98 of May 28, 1998), as well as bibliographic lists according to GOST 7.1.-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up, adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes No. 12 of July 2, 2003).

To publish an article, each author must provide in the form of independent documents:

1. Materials of the article – the text, including the surnames and initials of the author(s), the title of the article, annotation and keywords in the state, Russian and English languages, literature in the languages of publication, English and transliteration, figures and tables with titles, is drawn up in one file in word format;

2. Information about the authors, which includes the following elements:

– name, patronymic and surname;

– academic title, academic degree;

– position or profession;

– specialty, code;

– place of work (name of institution or organization, locality, address);

– name of the country (for foreign authors);

– electronic address (e-mail);

  – phone.

Materials submitted for publication must meet the following requirements:

The volume of the article is 8-12 pages, Times New Roman font – 11, margins – 2.5 cm on all sides of the sheet, paragraph – 1.0, line spacing – 1.

The sequence of elements of publishing design of materials is as follows:

1 UDC and MRNTI index (in accordance with the indexing guide available in scientific libraries or freely available on the Internet (https://grnti.ru));

2 Information about the authors (surname, initials, academic degree, title, full name of the institution where the work was done, indicating the city, country), addresses of all authors of publications (including the main author);

The title of the published material (capital letters, bold, size 11 points, typeface Times New Roman, Times New Roman KK EK, centered paragraph), including in English; Sixteen digit ORCID ID of each author!

3 Annotation 150-300 words (given in the language of the text of the published material and in English, also after the section “References” in Russian or Kazakh);

4 Keywords (italics) number of keywords: 5 to 10;

5 Text of the article. The text of the scientific article includes the main provisions, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, information on funding (if available), list of references. Each original article (with the exception of the social and humanitarian direction) ensures the reproducibility of the research results, describes the research methodology, indicating the origin of equipment and materials, methods of statistical data processing and other ways to ensure reproducibility.

Structured body text:

– Introduction is a mandatory section for any article. In this part of the article, the subject of the study is revealed, the problem/question of the study is posed or the purpose of the study is formulated, the hypothesis of the study (if any) is substantiated. The necessity and significance of this study (solution of the identified research problem) should be explained. Within the framework of the article, it is possible to work with only one goal / hypothesis / research problem.

– Materials and research methods. This section describes the materials used and research methods in as much detail as possible. A clear and detailed description of the methods and materials used, characteristics of the sample, etc. makes it possible to assess the reliability of the results obtained.

– Research results.  This section should present objective data obtained during the study based on the described methodology. The results of the author’s research should be presented as fully as possible.

– Conclusion.  This section involves the formulation of conclusions based on the analysis of the results. The conclusion is written in full text, in no case a list.

– Thanks. Grants or other types of financial support (and, if necessary, their sources) for the research should be listed here. Then you should thank the specialists or institutions that helped in organizing and conducting the study. One should not thank the persons who took part in the consideration and acceptance of the manuscripts, i.e. reviewers, editors, and members of the editorial board of the journal.

6 Referencesn accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General Requirements and Rules for Compilation” (at least 20 titles), links are placed as they are mentioned in the text. The list of used literature in the Kazakh language is drawn up according to the alphabet of the Kazakh language, based on the Latin script, in Russian – according to the BGN / PCGN standard

The used literature is given in the order of mention in the text of the article, and is drawn up in square brackets, for example: [1]. The first reference in the text to the literature should have the number [1], the second – [2], etc. in order. When referring to a result from a book, its number from the list of references and (separated by commas) the page number on which this result is published are indicated, for example: [7, p. 157]. When referring to results from several sources, numbers from the list of references are written separated by semicolons, for example: [7, p. 157; 8].

The literature used should be up-to-date, i.e. published over the past 5-7 years (except for fundamental works and materials; at least 70%).

Relevant foreign literature from the Web of Science and / or Scopus databases should occupy at least 30% of the total number of positions in the list over the past 15-20 years.

All positions of the list should be referenced in the text of the article and vice versa – all literature mentioned should be listed in the list of references. It is recommended to use at least 20-22 sources.  Transliteration of Russian text into Latin for the “References” section can be done free of charge using the program on the website http://www.translit.ru/ or http://translit-online.ru

This translator does not transliterate specific letters of the Kazakh alphabet. Here, after the transliteration of the Kazakh text, an adjustment should be made, guided by the rules:

Graphic material must be embedded in the text and executed in a graphical editor. Figure captions are given with indication of all designations. Tables, numbered in order, must have headings (tables – no more than 5, figures – no more than 5).

The editors are not engaged in literary and stylistic processing of the article.

The author is responsible for the content of the article.

Articles drawn up in violation of the requirements are not accepted for publication and are returned to the authors.

! If necessary, the article is returned to the author for revision:

– by exceeding plagiarism no more than 1 time;

– for registration no more than 2 times (articles sent for revision 2 times and executed in violation of the requirements are not accepted for publication);

090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:[email protected]
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