2019, Uralsk, Zhangir khan WKATU. “Methodological bases of organization of interactive employments and use of electronic textbooks” (Certificate № 3907, Uralsk, 72 hours.)
2019, Ust-Kamenogorsk. “Innovative approaches are in educating” (Certificate №2542/120419, Усть-каменогорск, 72 hours.)
10.2019 Акtobе. “Application of playing technologies is in teaching of Russian” (72 hours.)
01.2019 Аstana. “Қазақстан Республикасында жаңартылған білім I take жағдайында оқытудың белсенді әдістері” (Certificate №58622350, Astana, 72 hours)
10.2019 – 18.10.2019, Акtobе. «Применение игровых технологий в преподавании русского языка» (72 hours).
01.2020, Аstana. «Қазақстан Республикасындағы жаңартылған білім беру жағдайында оқытудың белсенді әдістері» (72 hours).
02-14.02.2020, Samara. “Methodology of teaching of Russian as foreign” (Certificate №031, Samara, 72 hours ).
2023 Belgium Educational Council «Active learning methods for online education»(May, 2023)
2023 Belgium Educational Council «How to create video lectures in 30 minutes» (June,2023 )
Благодарственное письмо – Gratitude letter – Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 15.12.2017
Electronic manual for students “Russian with the use of methods of the critical thinking” Uralsk, Uralsk, Zhangir khan WKATU, – 200МB. . (Iskaliyeva A.T.)
“Increase of efficiency of educating through formative evaluations”, Science and Life of Kazakhstan, Astana №2 (78) 2019,111-113
«Interactive methods of teaching linguistic disciplines», Karaganda. Сер. “Philology” №2, Karaganda, 2019.
“Formative valuation in educating of students technical specialities”, Announcer ЗКГУ №2, Uralsk, 2019.
“Texts of fiction on employments of Russian”, Science and Life Kazakhstan, Astana №11/2, 2019, P.289-292
“Formative assessment in the training of technical students”» – Karaganda,№1(97)/2020, P.100-107.
Language learning through the e- learning system “E-learning with the use of authentic material” Bulletin of the The Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages №3 (66) 2022, Алматы, 223-237б
Professional development
2015 Uralsk, LLP “Destination”. English language course – (72 hours)
2015 Aktobe, Training “Inclusive Learning Technology” (36 hours)
2016 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. Master class “Scientific and methodological aspects of teaching professionally oriented language in higher education” (54 hours)
2016 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. Seminar-training “Innovative approaches to multilingual education” (18 hours)
2016 Almaty, JSC NCPD “Orleu”. Professional development course for teachers of pedagogical specialties at the University “Modern Pedagogical Technologies” (240 hours)
2017 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. Elementary English course (72 hours)
2017 “WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, Uralsk. Advanced training course “Technology of distance learning in the educational system” (36 hours)
2018 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. “Scientific and methodological bases of the organization of interactive lessons online” (72 hours)
2018 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan. “Preparation of the report on self-assessment of the higher educational institution within the framework of institutional accreditation” (Certificate № А-1460, Uralsk)
2019 Uralsk, WKATU named after Zhangir Khan “Methodological bases of the organization of interactive activities and the use of electronic textbooks” (Certificate № 3907, Uralsk, 72 hours)
07-18.10.2019 Aktobe city. “Application of game technologies in the teaching of the Russian language” (72 hours)
6.01.2019 Astana “Active methods of teaching in the context of modern education in the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Certificate №58622350, Astana, 72 hours)
07.10.19 – 18.10.19 Aktobe “Application of game technologies in the teaching of the Russian language” (72 hours).