«Collection of texts and assignments on the subject Kazakh language for technical specialties». Study guide. – SKSU named after M.Auyezov, 2023.- 127 p. ISBN 978-601-319-409-7
«Language culture and speech skills». Study guide. – SKSU named after M.Auyezov, 2022. -133 p. ISBN 978-601-319-348-9
«Tasks of independent work on the discipline kazakh language». Study guide. – ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2021.-109 p. ISBN 978-601-319-314-4
«Development of creative abilities of students through critical thinking» // International scientific-methodical magazine «Teacher». Astana, №30 (11) 2018.
«Vocabulary of spiritual culture of the trilogy «Ak Zhaik» by H. Yessenzhanov» // «Science and Life of Kazakhstan» magazine. Astana, №2 (78) 2019. – P.163-165.
«Ethnocultural units of the vocabulary of H. Esenzhanov’s trilogy «Ak Zhaik» // Scientific journal «Bulletin of WKSU». Uralsk №2, 2019.
«The effectiveness of teaching through critical thinking» // International scientific journal «Science and Life of Kazakhstan». Astana, №11/2, 2019. – Р.119-121.
«The use of critical thinking technology in Russian language lessons» EA Journal of the Bulletin of KarSU named after Buketov, №2/98 – 2020.
«The legacy of Abai Kunanbayuly» // Kazakh education. 2021 – №07(46). – Р. 4-7.
«The concept of «nature» in the poems of Tahir Zharokov» // Bulletin of KazUMOWL. 2023. – № 1(68). – P. 341-354.
«The critical side of Abish Kekilbayev» // The scientific journal «Keruen». 2023. – № 2(79). – Р. 188-198.