Nurzhanova Farida
Senior lecturer, master

Scientific Project

  1. 2009-2011 “Assessment of the epizootic situation for opisthorchiasis in the reservoirs of the West Kazakhstan region and the development of measures for the prevention of opisthorchiasis”
  2. 2013-2015: “Improving the methodology for diagnosing socially significant invasive diseases using new biotechnological developments”


Author of more than 45 scientific publications (including manuals, textbooks, books)

Scientific articles:

1. Results of experimental infection with opisthorchiasis in WKR. G.G. Absatirov Republic. scientific and practical conf. “Youth and Science in the Modern World”, March 26-27, 2015, Uralsk, pp. 344-348.

2. The Features of Opisthorchiasis’ Epizootic Process in West Kazakhstan Region. Absatirov G.G., Kakishev M.G, Ginayatov N.S. ISSN: 0974-8369, Biology and Medicine. – 2015, No. 7 (3). (Scopus).

3. Baliқtan zhatyn aura. Newspaper “Oral өңirі” dated March 3, 2016 No. 26 (20278).

4. “The problem of opisthorchiasis in WKR”. Bogdashkin A.S., Bisalieva Zh.E. KazNAU, Collection of materials of the XX student scientific conference, 1 volume, 1-2 April 2016, Almaty, pp. 200-206.

5. Ecological regularities of opisthorchiasis circulation in the Urals. G.G. Absatirov, M.G. Kakishev. Journal “Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections in Kazakhstan”, Almaty. – Issue 2, 2016. S. 51-53.

6. Study of muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) for infestation with marita opisthorchis (Opistorchis felineus) in the West of Kazakhstan. A.A. Gabbasov, N.S. Maikanov, K.M. Akhmedenov, T.Kh. Khamzin, I.G. Kozulina, M. Zh. Berdenov, N. A. Zhupkali, M.D. Sultamuratova. Journal “Quarantine and Zoonotic Infections in Kazakhstan”, Almaty. – Issue 2, 2016, pp. 67-69.

7. Epizootic state of sturgeon fish when reared in RAS. Absatirov G.G., Ezhkova M.S. III National scientific and practical. conference “The state and development of aquaculture in the Russian Federation in the light of import substitution and food security of the country”, Kazan, October 3-5, 2018, pp. 203-207.

8. Parasitosis of fish in closed water supply units (RAS). Absatirov G.G., Kadralieva B.T. Collection of scientific works Mezhdunar. educational-methodical and scientific-practical. conference dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Academician Skryabin K.I., Moscow, November 15-16, 2018, pp. 28-33.

9. Comparative skin morphology of healthy and pseudomonas sturgeons reared in closed water supply installations. Zalyalov I.N., Ginayatov N.S. Scientific notes of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after V.I. N.E.Bauman, volume 235 (III), Kazan, 2018.- pp. 85-88.

10. Pathomorphology of sturgeon skin in pseudomonosis. Zalyalov I.N., Ginayatov N.S. Scientific-theoretical medical journal “Morphology”, Volume 153, 3, St. Petersburg, 2018.- pp. 77-77.

11. Prospects for the use of medicinal plants in aquaculture. Absatirov G.G., Dzhunusov A.M., Abuov K.N. XXVII Int. scientific and practical. conference “Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research: Topical Issues, Achievements and Innovations”, October 15, 2019, Penza.

12. Parasitological indicators as biomarkers of the stress state of fish in RAS. Absatirov G.G., Sidorchuk A.A., Dzhunusov A.M. Gylym zhune bilim, II volume, No. 4 (57), Uralsk, 2019, pp. 159-164.

13. Biochemical identification of bacterial pathogens of sturgeon fish reared in installations with a closed water supply cycle. Bakiev S.S., Alybaev S.D., Dzhunusov A.M., Tilvaldieva S.V. scientific conference of students and young scientists “Farabi Alemi”. Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 6-9, 2020-Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020.- Pages. 228-229.

14. The structure of the microbiome in closed water supply installations and their relationship with the emergence of infectious pathology of sturgeon fish. Sergaliev N.Kh., Kakishev M.G., Zalyalov I.N., Ginayatov N.S. Scientific notes of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. N.E. Bauman, 2020, Volume 243 (III) – Pages 237-245.

15. Application of metagenomic analysis in determining the microbial state in the RAS system. Sergaliev N.Kh., Kakishev M.G., Ginayatov N.S. Gylym zhune bilim. No. 2-1 (59), Uralsk, 2020. S. 205-210.

16. Morphological features of thrombocytopoiesis in the spleen of Siberian sturgeons. Zalyalov I.N., Ginayatov N.S. Scientific and theoretical honey. journal “Morphology”, Volume 157, 2-3, St. Petersburg, 2020.- pp. 79-80.

Professional Development, Training

1. Certificate of advanced training on “Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fish diseases” № 1472, June 08-19, 2020. Orenburg. Orenburg State University

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