Murzashev Turesh
Docent, candidate of biological sciences

Scientific projects

120 scientific publications, including 9 textbooks, 45 recommendations and teaching guidelines that are actively used in the educational process. 13 copyright certificates for innovative patents for inventions. Prepared 4 masters of Zhangir Khan WKATU, the holder of state license № 02255R of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the performance of work and provision of services in the field of environmental protection, as well as a certificate of accreditation for scientific activity № 003033 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


1. The results of the study of the protection of fish fry from entering the dam on the Ural River “,” Science and Education “- № 2 (47), 2017.

2. “Results of the study of the effectiveness of fish protection devices used in water intake facilities on the Ural River”, Science and Education – № 3 (48), 2017.

3. “Study of sturgeon spawning in the Ural River in 2016”, Science and Education – № 3 (48), 2017.

4. “The state of the ichthyofauna of the Ural River in the West Kazakhstan region and ways to restore fish productivity”, Science and Education – № 4 (49), 2017.

5. “Hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the Urals in the West Kazakhstan region”, “Science and Education” – № 1 (50), 2018.

6. “Comparative analysis of ichthyofauna of the Kirov and Pyatimar reservoirs” “Science and Education” – № 4 (53), 2018.

7. “Hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the Ural River in the Western Kazakhstan region” “Science and Education” – № 1, 2019.

8. “On the state of protection of fish stocks in the reservoirs of the West Kazakhstan region”, “Science and Education” – № 4, 2019.

9. The efficiency of the work of RZU of different types on water bodies of central and northern Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: fish farming. – 2017. № 3 (September).

10. The influence of changes in the hydrological regime of the Ural river in the West Kazakhstan region on fish resources. Bulgarian Journal of Science Education – Volume 27. – Number 1, 2018, Р. 120-130.

11. “Hydrological characteristics of the Ural River in the West Kazakhstan region”, scientific materials. – practice. conf. “Geosystem approach to the study of the natural environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, April 13-14, 2018. – Volume II-Astana: ENU L.Н. Gumilev, 2018.

12. Collection of scientific works “Analysis of the maximum allowable fishing of ichthyofauna of the inscribed reservoir for 2016-2019”, “Water biological resources and aquaculture of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of LLP “RC SPC” Almaty, September 2019 y.

13. “Condition of the food base of ichthyofauna of Lake Volga”, “Collection of scientific works dedicated to the 90th anniversary of LLP RC SPC” “Status of aquatic biological resources and aquaculture in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries” Almaty, September 2019.

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