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Urazova A.F. Clay raw materials for the production of ceramic products Scientific conference for postgraduate “Foreign languages study is a factor for the formation of polylingual personality” (West Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university after named Zhangir khan) Uralsk, WKAU, 86-88 with
S.S. Sataeva, A.F. Urazova, K.A. Mikhailova Modification of petroleum road bitumen by waste rubber products// Collection of scientific articles on the results of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference – Kazan.2021.- p.161-164.
Professional development
“Modern educational technologies in higher education”, Reg. number 898/3746.19Cheboksary, 2019
“Preparation of a report on the self-assessment of a higher educational institution within the framework of institutional accreditation, No. A-1449 dated 04.12.2018