Kubasheva Zhanna
Acting docent, candidate of technical sciences
Polytechnical Institute


  • Preliminary patent No. 14347 for the invention title: “Device for surface water extraction”. Pre. pat.  No. 14347 RK MKI E03B3/13 application. 21.10.02 publ. 05.05.04 byul. No. 5. Gumarov G.S., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Preliminary patent No. 20721 for the invention title: “Device for surface water extraction”. Pre.pat. No. 20271 RK (19) KZ (13) A (11)20721 (51) B01D 35/05 (2006.01) publ. 16.02.09 byul. No. 2. Gumarov G.S. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Innovative patent No. 28352 for the invention title: “Device for surface water extraction”. Pred.pat. No. 28352 RK (19) KZ (13) A (11)28352 E03B 3/12 (2006.01) publ. 15.04.2014 byul. No. 4. Begalieva A.G. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Copyright certificate No. 82547 “Device for surface water extraction”
  • Copyright certificate No. 82547 Begalieva A.G., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Analysis of devices for surface water extraction Development of the national economy in Western Kazakhstan: potential, problems and prospects. // M-ly International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of ZKATU.Ch.II.– Uralsk, 2003.- pp. 144-145.Bakushev A.A.Polyanin V.K. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Analysis of existing machines for cleaning mine wells Development of the national economy in Western Kazakhstan: potential, problems and prospects.//M-ly International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the ZKATU. Ch. II. – Uralsk, 2002. – p. 135. Bakushev A.A. , Kubasheva Zh.K .
  • Analysis of design and technological schemes of devices for surface water extraction.Engineering science – improving the efficiency of agriculture.// Moscow International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of agriculture and the 100th anniversary of Prof. I.V. Sakharov. Almaty: Agrouniversitet, 2003. – pp.96-98.Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Devices for surface water extraction of M-ly scientific conf. of the faculty and graduate students of the SSAU named after N.I. Vavilov according to the results of research for 2002 Saratov, 2003. Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Devices for surface water extraction Materials of scientific and production conf. Orenburg State Agrarian University. u-ta according to the results of research for 2002. Orenburg, 2003. Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Prospects for the use of the development of groundwater in the West Kazakhstan region for the water supply of agriculture. Information leaflet 2006 DRGP West Kazakhstan Central Research Institute Gumarov G.S., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Analysis of design and technological schemes of devices for surface water extraction.Information leaflet 2006 DRGP West Kazakhstan Central Research Institute Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Prospects for the use of the development of groundwater in the West Kazakhstan region for the water supply of agriculture. Moscow International Scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Professor Alexander Grigoryevich Rybalko Saratov, July 11-12, 2006 Part 4. – pp. 48-52 Gumarov G.S. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Features of pasture water supply Journal “Mechanization and electrification of agriculture”, No. 5 Moscow, 2007. – P. 14. Gumarov G.S. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Classification of two-stage water extraction devices “Resource-saving technologies of technical service” Part 2 Resource-saving technologies of repair, restoration, hardening and renewal of machines, mechanisms and equipment.  Materials of the International Scientific and Practical conference on April 26-27, 2007, Ufa, 2007.  – Pp. 37-41 Gumarov G.S. , Kubasheva Zh .K .
  • Use of groundwater in Western Kazakhstan in pastoral animal husbandry
  • Proceedings of the International Academy of Agrarian Education Issue No. 6 (2008) Volume 2 “Economics and organization of agricultural production” St. Petersburg, 2008.  – Pp. 74-75 Gumarov G.S. , Kubasheva Zh .K .
  • Technology of water supply of pasture animal husbandry based on the use of digging wells Journal “Mechanization and electrification of agriculture”, No. 2 Moscow, 2008.-p. 36 Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Technological schemes of water supply of farm animals from the diggers in pasture conditions Journal “Bulletin of Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan”, May 2008 Almaty: LLP Publishing House “Bastau”, 2008.- P.53-54. Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Results of a multifactorial study of the operation of a water-lifting installation with a device for surface water extraction from silted mine wells and pasture wells-digs Materials of the International Scientific and Practical conference – Almaty: Publishing House of Agrouniversitet, 2010.-pp. 167-172. Nurtaev Sh.N., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Experimental installation and research results of the working process of the device for surface water extraction from wells-digs Materials of the International scientific and Practical conference – Almaty: Publishing House of Agrouniversitet, 2010. – pp. 221-225. Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Substantiation of parameters and development of a device for surface water extraction from pasture wells –digs Abstract. dis. … Candidate of Technical Sciences: 05.20.01 / Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. – Almaty: Sora Land Publishing House, 2010. Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Zhayylymdy tiimdi paidalanuga katysty mseleler “Innovation is the way to a new stage in the development of agriculture”, Volume 3: M-ly international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of a prominent scientist, agrarian economist, Professor M.A.Handelman. -Astana, 2013, (March 29, 2013).- pp.392-394.  Begalieva A.G. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • The use of pasture lands “Innovation is the way to a new stage in the development of agriculture”, Volume 3: M-ly international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of a prominent scientist, agrarian economist, Professor M.A.Handelman. -Astana, 2013, (March 29, 2013). – pp.400-402.   Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Kudyktardan zhane kazbalardan courts laylandyrmai alatyn kurylgylardyn constructivti- technologiyalyk sulbalaryn taldau Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. “Modern integration priorities of science: from research to innovation”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University. – Uralsk: RGKP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2013. – pp. 172-175. Begalieva A.G., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Conditions for calculating the operability of the milk tow truck counter Science News of Kazakhstan. 2014. No. 1. p. 24 Myrzagaliev E.U. Dorovskikh V.I. Braliev. M.K., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Theoretical analysis and calculation of the pneumatic system of the seeder Science news of Kazakhstan. 2014. No. 1. P. 48 Omarov A.N., Beraliev M.K., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Tractor men kozgaltyshtyn standti zhane tartu synaktarynn natizheleri Bilim zhane gylym. 2014. No. 2. Beraliev M.K. Okas K.K., Gumarov D.Zh. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Methodology for determining the degree of use of kinetic wind energy and rated power in a wind power plant Collection of articles based on the materials of the XX International. Correspondence scientific-practical.  conf. Scientific discussion: Questions of Technical Sciences, No. 3 (17) Moscow, 2014. – pp. 54-59.  Umbetov B.H. Zakharov V.P. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Enbek kauipsizdigin baskaru zhuyesin zhetildirudin negizgi bagyttary Republican scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates Youth and science in the modern world, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Uralsk, March 2015 – pp. 98-101. Khamieva N. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Courts betinen soryp alatyn kurylgynyn experimentaldyk zertteu natizhesin taldau Akparattyk bet AK “Ulttyk gylym-technikalyk akparat ortalygy”, No. 2-2015, BKF AK UGTAO, mamyr 2015 Begalieva A. G. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Courts betinen soryp alatyn kurylgynyn experimentaldyk kondyrgysynyn sipattamasy Bilim zhane gylym. 2015. No. 2. Begalieva A. G. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Results of field tests of a serial furrow cutter of the MNB-4 type Materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan “Science and Education of the XXI century: science and prospects”. – Uralsk: RGKP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2015. – pp.351-357 Zavrazhnov A.I., Zavrazhnov A.A., Ibraev A.S., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Analysis of measures to reduce oil losses during the operation of agricultural machinery Materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan “Science and Education of the XX century: science and prospects”. – Uralsk: RGKP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2015. – – p.358-360 Ostrikov V.V., Kuptleuov T.S. , Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Munai –gaz kesheninin korshagan ortaga aseri zhane korshagan ortany korgaudy zhetildiru zholdary Gylym magazine “Zhas galymdar zharshysy”. – Zertteushi RGBBO, Astana, Zheltoksan 2015. – pp. 7-12 Kubasheva Zh.K., Mendigalieva I.K., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Munai kaldyktaryna ekologiyalyk problemasyna monitoring zhane olardyn koldanu bagyttaryn zhetildiru Materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Young scientist: challenges and prospects”. – Moscow: Internauka, 2016. – pp.357-361 Kubasheva Zh.K., Mendigalieva I.K., Kubasheva Zh.K.
  • Onerkasiptegi kasibi aurular men ondiristik zharakattanudyn negizgi sebepterin taldau Scientific journal Bulletin of Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov. – O.A. Baykonyrov Aozhezkazgan University, Zhezkazgan, 2016. – pp. 341 – 344 Kubasheva Zh.K., Khamieva N.
  • S. 38. On the issue of ensuring the safety of railway transport workers Materials of the Republican scientific and Practical conference dedicated to EXPO-2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in XXI century”. – Uralsk: RGKP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. – pp.374-378 Kubasheva Zh.K., Tulegenova D.Zh.
  • The role of logistics centers in the transport service system Materials of the Republican scientific and Practical conference dedicated to EXPO-2017 “The role of youth in the development of science and innovation in the XXI century”. – Uralsk: RGKP ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2016. – pp.306-310 Kubasheva Zh.K., Amangosov B.A.
  • Munai-gas kesheni objectylerindegi apattardyn factorlary men sebepter Materials XXXI International scientific and practical conference “Young researcher: challenges and prospects”, No. 6 (31) April. – Moscow: Internauka, 2017. – pp.241 – 245 Kubasheva Zh.K., Yerkinbaykyzy Nazerke
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51
  • Rector's reception:8 (7112) 50 13 74
  • Office:8 (7112) 52 21 00
  • Selection committee:8 (7112) 50 24 01
  • Email:zapkazatu@wkau.kz
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