1. Sheptor A.S., Mukhanbetzhanova K.T. The effect of the concentration of nickel nanoparticles on the root formation of wheat variety “Irene” // Nanomaterials and living systems: Proceedings of the 5th International scientific-practical conference. Competition of reports of students, graduate students and young scientists. March 21-23, 2018 – October, 2018 KSMU, -2018. – 43 p.
2. The effect of nanoparticles and metal ions on the morphometric properties of beans Sheptor A.S. May 22-23, 2018 – Tomsk, 2018. – 2018. – p.43.
3. Mukhanbetzhanova K.T., Godymchuk A.Yu., Sheptor A.S., Kurovsky A.V. Influence of zinc nanoparticles on the formation of wheat roots // Chemical technology of functional nanomaterials: Proceedings of the international conference with the school and master classes for young scientists, Moscow, November 30 – December 1, 2017. – Moscow, 2017 – 2017 182.