1. Zhumagalieva G.B., Osipov A.A., Pershin V.F. Influence of working and geometrical parameters on the kinetics of the process of liquid phase shift exfoliation of graphite in a rod drum mill / Zhumagalieva G.B., А.А. Osipov, V.F. Pershin // Tambov State Technical Bulletin University. – 2019. – Т. 25, No 2. – С. (in the press).
2. Zhumagalieva G.B., Pershin V.F. Production of multilayer graphene in synthetic oil using a rod drum mill // Advanced Materials & Technologies. – 2018. – No. 2. – p. (in the press).
3. Pershin V.F. Modification of graphene bases for low temperature (cold resistant) lubricants / Vladimir Pershin, Gaukhar Zhumagalieva, Alexey Tkachev, Alexander Pasko and Nariman Memetov / Proceedings of the AIP Conference 2101, 020011 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5099603
4. The use of a drum mill for the production of graphene masters / Gaukhar Zhumagaliyeva, Vladimir Pershin, Alexei Tkachev, Alexander Vorobiev, Alexander Pasko and Evgeny Galunin // Proceedings of the AIP conference 2041, 020010 (2018); DOI: 10.1063 / 1.5079341 (1.5079341)
5. Modification of frost-resistant plastic lubricants using multilayer and multilayer graphene / Alexey Tkachev, Gaukhar Zhumagalieva, Zaman Al-Khilo, Nariman Memetov, Evgeny Galunin, Vladimir Pershin // Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on the latest advances in nanotechnology (RAN’19 ) Rome, Italy – April, 2019 Paper №. ICNNFC 105 DOI: 10.11159 / icnnfc19.105 (ICNNFC_105 (1))
6. Zhumagalieva G.B. The movement of rods in the cross section of a flat rotating drum / G.B. Zhumagalieva, V.F. Pershin, A.M. Vorobiev // Collection: Machines, units and processes. Design, creation and updating of materials of the Iinternational scientific-practical conference. 2018. 82-84.
7. Zhumagalieva G.B., Pershin V.F., Tkachev A.G., Galunin E.V., Pasko A.A. The use of rod mills for the production of gravitational concentrate // In: Two-dimensional systems are closely interrelated: from theory to practice, theses of the All-Russian Conference with international participation. 29. 2018 Russian patent
8. Pat. 2670495 Russian Federation B 02 C 17/10. Drum mill / Pershin V.F., Zhumagalieva G.B., Memetov N.R., Pasko A.A., Tkachev A.G., published 26.12.2017; publication. 23.10.2018, bul. # 30