M. Ongayev, S. Denizbayev, N. Umbetkaliyev, B. Yesmagulova, T. Shadyarov, G. Ozhanov. The Zonality of Underground Water Supply Sources for Pastures in the West Kazakhstan Region / Journal of Ecological Engineering. 23 (8), 2022, P. 56-65.
M. Ongayev, S. Denizbayev, G. Ozhanov, B. Yesmagulova, N. Umbetkaliyev, T. Shadyarov. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters of surface water sources used for watering pastures to improve the water quality / Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences. Volume 21, No. 4, 2023, pp. 875-883.
Onaev M.K., Shadyarov T.M., Denizbaev S.E., Umbetkaliev N.M., Ozhanov G.S. The experience of using meltwater to irrigate anhydrous pasture lands / Gylym zhane bilim.- 2023. – № 3-2 (72). – C. 272-284.
4. Montaev S.A., Onaev M.K., Denizbaev S.E., Ryskaliev M.Zh., Ozhanov G.S. Structural features of the flask of Western Kazakhstan, proposed as natural non-carbon modified sorbents for desalination of mineralized groundwater of pasture lands / Gylym zhane bilim.– 2023. – №3-2 (72). – Pp. 263-272.
Onaev M.K., Bulekov T.A., Denizbaev S.E. Cultivation of high-protein forage crops in the dry-steppe zone of the West Kazakhstan region / Gylym zhane bilim.– 2024. – №1-2 (74). – Pp. 73-83.
2013 – foreign language courses, Oxford
2015 – Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilova, Saratov
2015 – Michurinsky State Agar University, Michurinsk
2016-2018 – university republican courses.
090009, Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk city, Zhangir khan street, 51